
The most recent version of the full programme is available here:

SPSP2022-ProgrammeSchedule June 28

You will receive a printed version upon registration.


Overview of the programme:

01/07 : Pre-conference Workshop on ‘Methods Matter: Empirical Research in Philosophy of Science in Practice (10:00 – 17:00) + Registration (18:00 – 19:30).

For the programme, click SPSP PreconferenceWorkshop(4May2022).

Location of preconference workshop: KANTL, Koningstraat 18, 9000 Gent.

02/07: Registration (08:15 – 09:00) + Day 1 of conference (09:00 – 17:30)

03/07: Day 2 of conference (09:00 – 18:00) + Conference diner (19:30)

04/07: Final Day of conference (09:00 – 16:30)

Location of main conference: Faculty of Arts & Philosophy, Blandijnberg 2, 9000 Gent.


During registration, you will recieve a paper copy of the  book of abstracts.

The digital version is available here : SPSP2022-Abstracts.